The Branch House Plaster

You will see up-close views of the beautiful plaster figures and decorations, including the toll that time has taken on the plaster, and you will discover the history of plasterwork in the early 20th century, particularly in Richmond, as well as learn from a dedicated craftsman how this work is being saved at the Branch.

The Branch House Brickwork & Mortars

Branch Museum of Architecture and Design 2501 Monument Ave, Richmond, VA, United States

Brick has been a common building material in Virginia since the colonial era but the Branch House’s use of brick is unique. You will see up-close drone images of the […]

Adaptive Reuse in the Old Dominion (and Beyond)

Branch Museum of Architecture and Design 2501 Monument Ave, Richmond, VA, United States

What happens when a building or space outlives its purpose? Adaptive reuse refers to the process of converting a part of the built environment for something different than what it […]

Women’s History: Beulah Branch

Branch Museum of Architecture and Design 2501 Monument Ave, Richmond, VA, United States

To celebrate Women's History Month, The Branch is having two special days of guided house tours that will focus on Beulah Gould Branch, the lady of the house. Learn about […]

Women’s History: Beulah Branch

Branch Museum of Architecture and Design 2501 Monument Ave, Richmond, VA, United States

To celebrate Women's History Month, The Branch is having two special days of guided house tours that will focus on Beulah Gould Branch, the lady of the house. Learn about […]