Awards Ceremony and Cocktail Reception
Friday, October 18, 6:30 – 9pm
Virginia by Design is an annual awards program that launched in 2018 targeting visionary thinking and patronage in the design fields that broaden recognition and appreciation for architecture and design throughout Virginia.
The Branch will recognize visionary thinking; celebrate extraordinary patronage; award corporate ingenuity and insight that relates design to quality of life; honor an extraordinary emerging designer; and recognize and exemplary creative project that has had a transformational effect on its surroundings.

Congratulations to the 2024 VAxDesign Winners!
Branch Medallion Award – Calder Loth
Vision in Design Award – Burt Pinnock
Design Achievement Award – The Valentine Museum
Emerging Designer Award – Kyle Schumann
Prize for Public Interest Award – BrownBaylor | Arthur Ashe Blvd Renaming Project
Honorable Mention Prize for Public Interest Award –Simone Paterson | Lansdowne Walkability Project
Sally Brown Excellence in Education Award – Andrew Gipe-Lazarou | Blind Design Workshop
Click here to learn more about the winners.
Please join us in celebrating the winners of the 2024 VAxDesign Awards on October 18th at The Branch! The evening includes an awards ceremony featuring the winners and a celebratory cocktail reception.
Thank you to our Sponsors:
VAxDesign is made possible through the generosity of sponsors and donors.