Through the Looking Glass – Historic Preservation at Menokin

Menokin, the home of Francis Lightfoot Lee, has stood in ruins since the late 1960s. The Menokin Foundation has taken up the challenge of interpreting the “hidden histories” of the house, the people, and the land that once formed part of this plantation estate. This process includes the Glass House Project, a revolutionary treatment plan […]


Gothic Arches, Latin Crosses

Ryan K. Smith sheds light on the intersection of the Gothic Revival movement and anti-Catholicism in nineteenth-century America by arguing that rising tensions led Protestant churches to break with tradition and adopt Latin art. Dr. Smith demonstrates the extent to which artistic and architectural features allowed Protestants to lessen the potent Catholic “threat” while simultaneously […]


Private Event

Branch Museum of Architecture and Design 2501 Monument Ave, Richmond, VA, United States

Our direct line to events during non-business hours is (804)-658-6113.

Private Event

Our direct line to events during non-business hours is (804)-658-6113.

Private Event

Branch Museum of Architecture and Design 2501 Monument Ave, Richmond, VA, United States

Our direct line to events during non-business hours is (804)-658-6113.

Private Event

Our direct line to events during non-business hours is (804)-658-6113.

Private Event

Our direct line to events during non-business hours is (804)-658-6113.

Private Event

Our direct line to events during non-business hours is (804)-658-6113.