Constructing Health Webinar

Join us in discussing the essay “Constructing Health: Representations of Health and Housing in Charlottesville’s Urban Renewals.” This article examines the co-construction of urban health and blight through architectural representation during urban renewal, exploring how building imagery was used to convey social and epidemiological diagnoses, producing racial othering through depictions of space. Learn More


Cityscapes RVA

In her bold, signature style, internationally recognized artist, Joanna Tyka explores the architecture of Richmond, Virginia in a series of cityscapes at The Branch Museum of Architecture and Design, on view from October 14 through December 31, 2021. From the pre-Civil War houses that line the streets of Jackson Ward to the gas-lit cobblestone streets […]


Private Event

Branch Museum of Architecture and Design 2501 Monument Ave, Richmond, VA, United States

Our direct line to events during non-business hours is (804)-658-6113.

Webinar: NELSON BYRD WOLTZ: GARDEN, PARK, COMMUNITY, FARM Thomas Woltz, owner of award-winning landscape architecture firm Nelson Byrd Woltz, will join us for a discussion about his book Nelson Byrd Woltz: Garden, Park Community, Farm. Woltz will present a selection of twelve built projects representing the firm’s contemporary vision for sustainable design, demonstrating the remarkable breadth of their practice and inspiring a new […]

Art as a Place: Workshop

In this full day workshop, participants will learn to create hand-cut paper collages of inspiring places using magazines, catalogs, and personal photographs.  Following a four-step method of Observation, Deconstruction, Rehearsal, and Assembly (ODRA), the course will cover inspiration, planning, composition, and art production. Learn More


Private Event – Wedding

Our direct line to events management during non-business hours is (804) 658 – 6113.


at River City roll


Private Event

Our direct line to events during non-business hours is (804)-658-6113.